How to get radio interviews is a common public relations question, especially for authors, experts, publicists, and marketers.
The best way to get radio interviews (and free publicity on podcasts, too) is the "How to Get Radio Interviews" media training course. 
It's a fun 4 hour audio course that gives you a step-by-step plan for radio publicity. It will quickly teach you:
- how to find radio shows interested in booking you,
- how to pitch them to get radio interviews,
- how to give an interview that's so good you'll be invited back,
- and much more!
The easy class is full of broadcasting industry "insider secrets" that can make getting your first radio interviews easy.
Learn more about how to get radio interviews here now.
(Last time we checked, there's a SALE on - so check it out!)
To get booked for free radio publicity interviews as an interview guest to promote your product or book on radio show interviews, follow these steps:
- Identify radio shows that book guest experts like you or your PR clients for interviews: the fastest way to do this is to search on Google using search terms like "radio talk show"+ "your topic".
(NOTE: You want to search on “talk radio” rather than just “radio” to find shows that book guest experts for promotional interviews instead of only playing music!) - Find contact info for the radio show’s producers or bookers: Big, nationally-syndicated talk radio shows have a staff of producers. The best producers to reach are those that find and schedule guest experts and authors for on the air interviews. These producers are called "bookers". For smaller or local radio shows or Internet radio podcasts, the booker, the producers, and the host may all be the same person.
- Create and send a targeted pitch: You need to e-mail, fax, FedEx, Tweet or call the producers to offer your expertise and information. Remember that the show producers are not interested in you, your book, or your products. Their goal is to find interesting new information that educates and/or entertains their audience. Your job is to craft a pitch that gets their attention. To get radio interviews, your radio interview pitch should offer helpful details of your expertise that fit into their current radio show programming needs.
Tip: Offer timely, real information, not just a product pitch. A radio interview, podcast appearance, or TV segment is a big opportunity for you to establish yourself as an expert, not just to get a free commercial.
Unfortunately, while the strategies above are proven methods for getting interviewed on radio and being booked to appear on TV, these are the same steps that thousands of other "Guest Experts" are following right now, too.
To get radio interviews is another solution.
Today you can skip many of the steps above by signing up for the free radio and TV and podcast interview booking service.
This free radio interview and TV public relations service will send you an e-mail each day with radio guest expert interview opportunities from real radio, TV, and podcast show producers who are looking for expert guests and authors to interview “on the air”.
Each "Guest Request" email is a “live” booking opportunity submitted to by a real show host or producer. The daily emails tell you exactly what type of guest interviews that radio show, TV producer or Internet radio podcast host is looking for – all you have to do is reply by email to those that are seeking guest experts or authors like you for their shows!
Visit now to sign up for this free service. You’ll start getting free radio and TV "Guest Requests" by e-mail tomorrow!
Become a "Featured Guest Expert"
To make sure that radio producers, TV bookers, and podcast hosts worldwide are aware of your guest expert interview availability, you can also advertise on as a "Featured Guest Expert".
As a "Featured Guest Expert" sponsor, will feature your expertise, your photos, your books, and any products that you want to promote on its popular website. Plus, Featured Guest Experts get their expert profiles e-mailed to its worldwide e-mail list of radio show hosts, TV bookers, and podcast hosts.
Becoming a "Featured Guest Expert" on is a cost-effective and clever public relations strategy that can help raise your expert profile to get free radio, TV, and podcast publicity interviews.
More info: Visit today to join the free radio, TV, and podcast guest interview booking service. Featured Guest Expert sponsorship information is available here.
How to Get Radio Interviews - More Articles to Help You Get Interviewed on Radio, TV, and Podcast Talk Show Programs
- How to Get Radio Interviews
- How to Pitch Radio, TV, and Podcast Bookers to Get Publicity Interviews
- To Get Radio Interviews Have a Good Publicity Pitch Strategy
- Get Interviews - 8 How to Steps to Getting Radio, TV, and Podcast Guest Expert Interviews
- How to Get Interviewed on Podcasts for Free Radio Publicity
- Radio Interviews – How to Get Booked on the Radio
- How to Promote My Book with Free Radio Interviews and Podcast Interviews
- How to Get Advertisers and Sponsors for My Radio or Podcast Show
- Free Tips to Help You Get Interviewed on Radio, TV, and Podcast Programs