Ready for some more interviews?
Have the interview requests from your Featured Guest Expert placement slowed down?
It's time to remind the audience about your expertise!
If you would like us to re-broadcast your Featured Guest Expert credentials to our worldwide email lists, we'd be happy to help.
Repeated emails are the most cost-effective way to build a high publicity profile. It builds name recognition among our audience of radio show hosts and podcast producers by consistently reminding them of your interview availability.
Note: These offers are only available to Featured Guest Experts with a currently active sponsorship subscription. If your placement has lapsed, please reinstate it now here before ordering more email blasts below.
Email Re-Broadcast Options
Please choose 1 or more of the email blast services below:
Standalone Featured Guest Expert Profile Email Blasts
to our Private Show Hosts & Producers Email List
Have us promote your Featured Guest Expert listing to our worldwide audience again through online, email, and social media channels!
This includes sending your entire page as a solo email blast to our "Show Hosts & Producers" email list again. This is an exclusive audience of 2,000+ radio/TV show hosts, podcast bookers, and show producers. Not available anywhere else - this list is all bookers who have previously listed with our service looking for guests to interview so they want to hear from experts like you.
For each bonus email you order we'll also post your Profile again on our blog, share it on LinkedIn and Facebook, and include it as one of the listings in our Guest Request Email Newsletters to attract even more interview offers for you.
Please just pick the number of blasts you want at right and click to pay. After payment, we will schedule your first new email blast within 2 weeks. We'll schedule your email blasts approximately 1 per month if you order more than one. Email us right after ordering if you have another schedule in mind for the followups to best fit your PR plans! Great discounts up to 15% off start at
Standalone Featured Guest Expert Profile Email
"Big Blasts" to our Main Public Email List
* Special Editions Only for Featured Guest Experts *
If you’d like MAXIMUM publicity, we allow just a few Featured Guest Expert email "Big Blasts" each month to our public general email list of 13,000+ subscribers.
This exclusive subscriber list includes thousands of show hosts, producers, bookers, PR firms, and even TV producers, in addition to publicists, authors, agents, and others seeking interviews. (Many of the top shows don't post their interview needs publicly so they read this list instead to maintain their privacy!)
For each of these "Special Edition" bonus emails you order we'll also post your Profile again on our blog, share it on Facebook and LinkedIn, and include it as one of the listings in our Guest Request Email Newsletters to attract even more interview offers for you.
If you are currently a Featured Guest Expert advertiser, please just pick the number of blasts you want at right and click to pay. After payment, we will schedule your first new email blast within 2 weeks. We'll schedule your email blasts approximately 1 per month if you order more than one. Email us right after ordering if you have another schedule in mind for the followups to best fit your PR plans! |
DIY Custom "Special Edition" Email Blasts
Want to provide your own graphic or ad text to email our audiences?
Create your own custom message to reach our Show Hosts list for $299 per mailing and our "Big Blast" general audience for $349.
Get more details on the Custom "Special Edition" Email Blasts here.
Ordering MORE email blasts will definitely help you get more interviews. Repeated exposure through ads and emails like these is the best way to attract more publicity interview bookings from busy show producers, hosts, and bookers!
We want to help you by scheduling your email at a time likely to attract the
most response. So, with any of these orders, please allow up to 2 weeks before your 1st new email goes out.
For questions, suggestions, or custom promotional packages, please email
us at info @
P.S. Featured Guest Expert Ad Copy Tune-up
If you have an active Featured Guest Expert Subscription but would like us to update your page and emails by changing the copy, headlines, or photos, that costs much less than the original set-up fee. It's only $59.
Please email us at info @ with the changes you would like to make to your page and we will email you an invoice.
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