#7815: Geek Time is seeking Entertainment Guests
#7816: Dead Encounter talks Horror Content

#7799: Rethink with Sahar seeks Authors, Speakers and Entrepreneurs

Is seeking motivators interested in meditation, self help and business in general.

Show Name: *
Rethink with Sahar
Show Description: *
The 'Rethink with Sahar' shall be live streamed on various major social media platforms simultaneously, like YouTube, FB, LinkedIn etc., every Tuesday. There shall be two 20-25 minutes interview sections, with the same or different guests, with a pre-recorded five minute break in between.
Show Host Name(s):
Sahar Raman Deep
Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Sahar Raman Deep

Phone. :347.292.8786
Booking Email Address: * [email protected]
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: *
5000+ collective followers on various major social media.
Show Format: *
  • Recorded podcast
  • Video webcast
  • Video livestream
When, where, and how does your show air?
(share details about Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format, etc): *
Simultaneously on YouTube, FB, LinkedIn, Instagram and other social media.
How many episodes have you already produced? *
  • New Show!
Website URL: * http://thesrd.com
Show URL: * https://www.youtube.com/@theSRD77
We do not encourage this but if you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back?[If you charge guests for interviews or anything else you MUST disclose it here.] *

The show is approximately a 30 minute interview with a guest.

No promotional fee.