Looking for Interviews like These?
#7815: Geek Time is seeking Entertainment Guests

#7695: Hollis Chapman Show is seeking Small Business Owners

Is looking for authors and small business owners.

Show Name: *
Hollis Chapman Show
Show Description: *

Dear [Author/Small Business Owner],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am reaching out to you on behalf of the Hollis Chapman Show, a popular podcast that has had the privilege of interviewing over 500 guests from various backgrounds and industries. We are excited to announce that our show can now be found on Podbean, reaching an even wider audience and offering more exposure for our guests.

I am writing to extend a personalized invitation for you to appear on the Hollis Chapman Show as a featured guest. We believe that your unique perspective and expertise would be a fantastic addition to our lineup, and we are eager to showcase your work to our listeners.

By being a guest on our show, you will have the opportunity to share your story, promote your latest book or business venture, and connect with a large and engaged audience. Our platform on Podbean allows for greater visibility and reach, giving you the chance to expand your network and attract new followers or customers.

We understand the value of making meaningful connections and building relationships within the industry, and we believe that appearing on the Hollis Chapman Show can provide you with the exposure and recognition you deserve. Our team is dedicated to making your experience on the show a positive and memorable one, and we are committed to helping you showcase your talent and achievements.

If you are interested in being a guest on the Hollis Chapman Show, please let us know and we will work together to schedule a date for your interview. We are looking forward to the opportunity to feature you on our show and share your story with our listeners.

Thank you for considering this invitation, and we hope to hear from you soon.

Warm regards,

Producer, Hollis Chapman Show

Show Host Name(s):
Hollis Chapman
Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Hollis Chapman
Booking Form URL: https://eastvalleymarketing.com/home/chat-bot/
Booking Email Address: * [email protected]
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: *
Authors promoting their books, also small business owners promoting their business.
Show Format: *
  • Internet radio
  • Recorded podcast
  • Satellite radio
When, where, and how does your show air?
(share details about Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format, etc): *
Podbean platform- we are live every Tuesday and Friday live. Podbean platform need guests to download their free app. We are on at 10 AM Tempe,AZ time.
We are expanding to new platforms such as Boomplay, Player FM, IHeart Radio, Spotify, and Podbean livestream.
How many episodes have you already produced? *
  • 101+ episodes
Website URL: * https://hollischapmanshow.podbean.com/
Show URL: * https://www.podbean.com/site/userCenter/liveStream
Social Media:
Social Media: