#7783: Between The Lines is calling All Public Relations Experts
#7814: The Relatable Voice seeks Fiction and Non-Fiction Authors

#7599: Influence Media - PSI TV wants to Help You Reach a TV Audience

Is seeking Authors.

The holidays are coming up and your book could be a great gift. Let people know your book exists and why they should add it to their library or as a gift for a loved one.

Show Name: *
Influence Media - PSI TV
Show Description: *

PSI TV has a Netflix-like channel presence on Roku TV, Amazon Fire TV, and VIDAA TV. Our audience demographics and most of your questions are answered here https://www.psitvnetwork.com/faqs While being on TV generates what is known as the 'Halo Effect'. The Halo Effect is a marketing term that refers to how being associated with something prestigious can positively affect how people view a person or brand. In this case, your clients get the "halo effect" from being on TV because TV is perceived as more prestigious than other forms of media. However, we know your real motivation is to reach as wide an audience as possible. To that end, we strip the audio from the interview and push it to 6 podcast platforms, post your show on our YouTube channel and to our social media.

Show Host Name(s):
Trudy Beerman
Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Trudy Beerman (813) 760-5624
Booking Form URL: https://form.jotform.com/52850671686162
Booking Email Address: * [email protected]
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: *
Our audience reach exceeds 80K (This is the reach for my Facebook page according to FB analytics) because we share to multiple platforms in addition to our TV audience. The demographic is the 30+ earning $50K+
Show Format: *
  • Recorded podcast
  • Broadcast TV
  • Video webcast
When, where, and how does your show air?
(share details about Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format, etc): *
TV is on demand. The show is recorded, edited then available 24/7 on all our platforms.
How many episodes have you already produced? *
  • 101+ episodes
Website URL: * https://www.psitvnetwork.com/
Show URL: * https://channelstore.roku.com/search/psi+tv
Social Media:
Social Media:
We do not encourage this but if you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back? [If you charge guests for interviews or anything else you MUST disclose it here.] *

There is a fee for this TV experience. We have two package options, $97 and $197. To see an idea of our deliverables for this here is a post sharing a guest who opted for the $197 package. You need to log into LinkedIn to view. It shows all the places the show is shared and we do additional promotion of your show to ensure the YouTube version of the show gets a minimum of 1000 views. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/trudybeerman_my-guest-today-is-gregory-k-mohr-greg-is-activity-7071445143228186624-zUED?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop