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#7783: Between The Lines is calling All Public Relations Experts

Is seeking guests who are Public Relations Experts.

Show Name: *
Between The Lines
Show Description: *

Between The Lines is an authentic, global, interactive and highly engaging show that encourages intellectually stimulating conversation, live streaming and interaction with viewers.

Between The Lines is engaging, live and poses challenging questions in a conversational format. Between The Lines offers an experience like none other simply because of the personality of the Host, Corine La Font and the atmosphere she creates to make her guests comfortable, no matter the topic. The show is live streamed, so guests get the opportunity to engage with a live audience via the chat whose comments and questions are shown on screen for the guest to respond in real time. For increased engagement, it takes the collaborative effort of both the host and guest to promote the show.

Corine has a genuine following and supportive community especially on Linkedin, one of the places she streams her show. Guests have the opportunity to further the collaboration post interview and are the first to be called upon for workshops, conferences and other virtual speaking engagements planned.

Between The lines airs live on Sundays from 1-5 pm AST or 12-4 pm EST

Show Host Name(s):
Corine La Font
Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Corine La Font
[email protected]
Booking form -
Booking Form URL:
Booking Email Address: * [email protected]
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: *
88% are female, 13% are male
Age group- 23-59
Devices listened - 13% on windows, 10% on iPhone, 9% on the web, 5% on Mac, 64% on other
Listeners geographic area- 75% US, 9% Trinidad and Tobago, 5% Zimbabwe, Remaining 11% - rest of the world
Apps listened - 17% web, 10% Apple, 9% Anchor, 64% Other
Show Format: *
  • Broadcast radio show
  • Internet radio show
  • Recorded podcast
  • Video webcast
  • Video livestream
When, where, and how does your show air?
(share details about Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format, etc): *
Airing from the Caribbean on Sundays from 1-5 pm AST
How many episodes have you already produced? *
  • 101+ episodes
Website URL: *
Show URL: *
Social Media:
Social Media:
We do not encourage this but if you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back? [If you charge guests for interviews or anything else you MUST disclose it here.] *
No charge for interviews. It's optional to offer financial support post interview.